Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas 2008

We went with a smaller tree this year cause I was too big to decorate the 10 foot live tree...but next year watch out!! This was taken after the Christmas Eve Service.
I liked my smaller 6 foot tree this year...I thought it was sweet!!

We stayed in Georgia for this Christmas (like Thanksgiving) due to me being uncomfortable and not wanting to travel. We had such a sweet Christmas just being together and probably enjoyed it more. We got to sit together and talk, build fires, open presents, plan and make dinner, went to Christmas Eve service, and prayed!! I am so lucky to be married to my best (bestest) friend in the world someone who I never tire of being with. He truly is God's present to me and made so uniquely for me.

Eric got sick again which attacked him worse this time than a few weeks ago. He slept for almost 5 days straight and that was after going to the doctor and getting shots. He virtually had Pneumonia and his cough was horrible but he started taking up the living room carpet anyway. He wanted to have it done in time for Kaleb's arrival in January and in a day or two it will be completed. The wood floor looks amazing and I am so proud of him!!!

Didn't make any resolutions (officially) this year but was tossing around a few things in my head....not let having a child affect going to church and participating in furthering God's Kingdom. I don't want to be one of those mom's who stops everything including Church due to having children. I want to be a better wife to Eric. I look forward getting back in shape the second the doctor lets me and want to run some 3 and 5K's this year. I actually want to be thinner than I was when I got pregnant and I think Kaleb and our daily walk/runs can help with that. This year is so full of possibilities and new adventures that I look forward to each and every day with my two men... Can't wait to take Kaleb hiking, bike riding, camping, and just sharing the outdoors with MY little guy!!

Thank you God for 2008!!


KSH said...

Cant wait to meet him
The Christmas pic is so pretty
We will pray for yall over the next week and your family
Take care
In Christ, Kelly

Michelle said...

I can't wait to meet Kaleb too. Praise God for your precious family!